1) 개요
- Investigate the effect of the convolutional network depth on its accuracy.
- 2nd place at ILSVRC (1st : GoogLeNet). But, it is used alot more than GoogLeNet due to simple structure and generalize well to other dataset.
- Similar training procedure as AlexNet.
2) Depth (small filters, deeper networks)
- The depth of networks were shallow before 2014 ILSVRC. (less than 8 layers)
- VGGNet only used 3x3 kernel filter which is the smallest size to capture the notion of left/right, up/down, center)
- Stack of three 3x3 conv (stride 1) layers has same effective receptive filed as one 7x7 conv layer with fewer parameters.
- Deeper layers increase non-linearity -> easy to extract useful feature.
1) Hyper-parameters
- Only preprocessing of image is subtracting the mean RGB value computed on the training set.
- 3x3 kernel filter stride 1, 2x2 max-pooling stride 2.
- ReLU for activation function.
- No use of LRN (Local Response Normalisation) -> doesn't improve the performance but the waste of computing power.
- mini-batch(batch size : 256) gradient descent with momentum 0.8.
- L2 regularisation 5*10^-4, learning rate 0.01 (decreased by 1/10 when the val set accuracy stopped improving.
2) Weight initialization
- Use VGG-A(11 layers) parameters to resolve vanishing/exploding gradient and reduce training time.
- First 4 conv layers and the last 3 fully-connected layers of net A weights are used.
3) Training
- 'S' be the training scale.
- Single scale (fixed S) : VGGNet used 2 single fixed scale (256, 384). Train the network using S = 256 and trained S = 384 with pre-trained weights with S = 256.
- Multi scale (min = 256, max = 512) : Each training image is indiviually rescaled by randomly sampling S.
- Objects in images can be of different size. -> scale jittering.
4) Testing
- Use ensembles for best results (Voting).
- Rescaled to a pre-defined smallest image side 'Q'
- Q isn't necessarily equal to the training scale S.
1) Single scale evaluation (no scale jittering for test)
- Using LRN doesn't improve on the model A without any normalization layers.
- Smaller filters with deeper nets get better results. (additional non-linearity does help)
- Scale jittering leads to significantly better results.
2) Multi scale evaluation
- scale jittering at test time leads to better performance.
- Large discrepancy between training and testing scales leads to a drop in performance.
3) Multi crop evaluation
- Using multiple crops performs slightly better than dense evaluation.
- Dense evaluation and muliple crops are complementary. -> better performance.